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Powweb Hosting ? (Mike Zee)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 1:08 pm
by HM
Mike Zee,.. and everybody else :-&#41; <BR> <BR>We discussed homepage and streaming before: <BR> <BR>I am about to order internet in my new home <BR> <BR>I was about to order a steady IP and set up <BR>my own file-server to wich I could link from <BR>my main-page, but time-consuming and even the <BR>fastest connection would be limited unless I <BR>had the optical fiber digged in :-&#41; , so as I <BR>also need the hosting of yet a seccond domain <BR>and 1 giga of storage would be enough i look <BR>at the offer 7.77 USD a mounth <BR>and 5 GB dayly traffic included ! more than enough, but could I put mp3&acute;s at powweb and <BR>then link them so streaming can be activated <BR>from my other side ? &#40;like a steady-ip file- <BR>server&#41; or would it be nessesary to place my <BR>download-site at powweb ? does this powweb <BR>seems to bee a good offer or is ther better <BR>alternatives ? &#40;i am impressed by the 5 GB <BR>traffic&#41; <BR> <BR>HM

Powweb Hosting ? (Mike Zee)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 6:43 pm
by Mike Zee
HM, I use <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A> service. All the features are here: <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">ipowerweb service</A> I've got 2year pack which is $6.95/mo x 24, free domain and setup. <BR>Well, this 5GB per day looks very very good. The only big question is, and you'll have to find it out from users who actually axperienced it, the question is: "What does happen if you go over that limit during the day? Is you site is out for a day? Or what?" Well, sure, you may never get to such situation? But it depends. If you place Hi-Fi audio-files you are always at risk. <BR>Now, I have 40GB per minth bandwidth. The way it works, if my traffic gets into "red hit zone', let's say I get a spike of traffic for some days ... so it may " ook like" that I may get over 40GB before the end of the month, at my control-deck I get automatic 'message reminder'... so I just need to keep eye on it, and if I really see that I get very close to 40GB before the end of the month I can simply temporary limit the access to Hi-bandwidth eating files &#40;like hi-fi audio&#41;. But the site never goes to 'shut-down' status.... see what I mean. <BR>So, my point here is, try to find out what the mechanism there at your service? <BR>The rest of the pack at powweb looks pretty good. Also look into details. What else is there? Will ever need something like e-commecial utilities? Or will you ever need some other site-stuff : message board, contact forms, chat.... etc etc... Some services provide allots of goodies in the pack. Of course you can always program/install your own plugs, if you are advanced enough in the field. <BR>Now as for streaming files from your other site. Sure you can do it. It's up to you. You can set-up at your site so the files can be accessable from 'deep-link'. Or you can set it up so you can only stream/download/view some files only from your 'domain hosting server'. <BR>For mp3s streaming you simply creat .m3u file and place the link to .m3u file anywhere you wish. <BR> <BR>Now, last but not least to mention, I'd say, the most hidden thing about any ISP is how stable their servers are. There's no way to know, but to find it out from 'honest user', who would share the experience with you. <BR> <BR>good luck with new site, man <BR>/Mike Zee aka Dr ZEE <BR><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">ZEE DUB LAB</A>

Powweb Hosting ? (Mike Zee)

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2004 9:55 pm
by HM
Thanks Mike for the very good & detailed answer, <BR>yep I need to reseach, there is a forum maybe I <BR>can post there before eventually getting an www <BR> <BR>Don&acute;t know what other NG or forum to try,...... <BR> <BR>I have just choosen a 512/512 ADSL at my home <BR>to be established in some weeks, normal in my <BR>country is 256/128 ADSL&#40;copper only&#41;steady IP <BR>if I wish, a little server could be set up for <BR>larger files from studio to studio, 512 kbs up- <BR>load allows for quick transfer to places like <BR>powweb, versionist, etc. <BR> <BR>I am finishing also a sound-proff box hosting <BR>4 PC&acute;s with absolutely no noise ! so plenty pc <BR>for both server, office, and teleported DAW&acute;s <BR>its kinda furniture also making a stand for my <BR>motherkeyboard, mixer, UC-33e, and several 19" <BR>units, actually the hole studio ina one block <BR>these days I figure out how to remowe the noise <BR>from the MX-8000 power-supply &#40;last noise left&#41; <BR> <BR>Lot&acute;s of work for the hole winter :-&#41; <BR> <BR>HM

Powweb Hosting ? (Mike Zee)

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 12:42 am

Powweb Hosting ? (Mike Zee)

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:27 am

Powweb Hosting ? (Mike Zee)

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 12:52 am