Prince Fatty Masterclass vids

Moderator: interruptor

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Prince Fatty Masterclass vids

Post by interruptor » Sun Jan 30, 2022 3:15 am

Not sure how I missed these vids when they first came out..

Masterclass at Intercity electronic 2018

Masterclass at Point Blank Music School 2017

Alchemical Master
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Re: Prince Fatty Masterclass vids

Post by Alchemical Master » Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:54 pm

This is not helpful.

Don't just buy a bunch of stuff and experiment. You will waste time and money and you won't get results like the ones he's demonstrating.

You need a degree in physics or mathematics or in a related field. Even mechanical engineering. Anything with acoustics in it. Start from there.

Everything, from recording, to mixing, to speaker design and placement, room acoustics, amplifiers, preamplifiers, etc. is all engineering. Don't start with the music - start with the science. It isn't possible to jump to the halfway house and just turn out acceptable dub reggae music. You just listen to what people do when they try their best using the information here - they churn out sub-standard music.

It all starts with the science. The music is the end result - the fruit and not the root.

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